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Sea Moss

sea moss bar soap

Healing isn’t a one-time shot. You’ve got to continuously fortify from the shell to the core.

Embrace the fresh benefits of the world with our Sea Moss bar soap. This soap moisturizes the skin while leaving it soft and smelling clean. Our Sea Moss bar soap smells like the freshness of ocean water without the smell of fish! Catch notes of moss, jasmine, orchid, violet, and sandalwood. Appearance clean, refreshed skin with our Sea Moss bar soap.

Sea moss is made up of 92 minerals that are considered essential to the human body. Due to its richness, it has antibacterial, antiviral, and antimicrobial properties. It helps to balance the microbiome that keeps it healthy. The high amount of sulfur in the soap helps reduce acne flareups due to bacteria. It also works to reduce the amount of sebum (oil) on the skin. With the high amount of nutrients in the plant, this bar soap will help to prevent signs of aging while repairing the skin. Our sea moss is wildcrafted from Saint Lucia.

The vitamins found in sea moss hydrate skin cells and enhance cellular function. People that suffer from skin-dryness issues like eczema, psoriasis, and dermatitis will feel the benefit of using this soap. Using sea moss helps the skin hold onto essential lipids and minerals to look its best.

People that have sagging skin or wrinkles can benefit from the use of this bar soap. Sea moss naturally tightens cells tissues to quickly reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Vitamin K found within the plant helps add to skin’s elasticity and reduces dark circles under the eyes. Those that have varicose veins will see a reduction in appearance due to the amount of calcium, magnesium, and silica in the plant.

When combined with sea clay, this bar soap pulls excess oils off the skin. This moisturizing bar soap promotes healthy skin, reduces acne flareups, and fights signs of aging. Explore our selection of body butters, oils, and serums for a proper moisturizer afterward.

nourish your skin with our Sea Moss bar soap.

Product Features –

Ingredients – Olive Oil, Sea Moss Puree, Shea Butter, Water, Sodium Hydroxide, Sea Clay, Shredded Loofah, and Fragrance Oil.

Useful for – Dry Skin, Eczema, Psoriasis,Wrinkles, Varicose Veins, Acne

Usage instructions – Face / Body

Face: Rinse face with warm/hot water. While damp generate a grand lather with your hands then apply and massage in a circular motion to your entire face and hairline avoiding your eyes. Wash away studs using cool water to close and tighten pores. For best results use daily.

Body: Start with warm water, steaming hot waters will remove your skin’s natural oils. To shower properly wash from top to bottom, beginning with your face.

*Caution: For people with sensitive skin, try using some of the soap on a small part of your skin before fully using it.

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