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Warrior Butter

Invigorating, Deep Conditioning Body Rub

Handcrafted to deliver the most moisture to your skin. The blend of shea butter, coconut oil, and beeswax ensures that your skin stays hydrated and smooth. This emollient body butter leaves your skin hydrated and tingling. Perfect to beat the summertime heat or seasonal inspiration.

Peppermint oil helps to open skin pores and promotes blood circulation. It’s great as an anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-fatigue plant when applied topically. This will help to prevent certain types of bacteria from being on your skin. The lipophilic nature of peppermint also makes it effective at reducing the symptoms of herpes and shingles. Lavender has a soothing fragrance that many people love. This body butter is a great choice for refreshing aromatherapy in moisturizing form.

Rub our Warrior Butter on your throat, chest, and back to help respiratory breathing. It can also relieve muscle tension from sore, stressed parts of the body. Beeswax is an incredibly moisturizing agent. It helps hydrate dry skin and heal skin irritation when applied to the skin. When used topically, peppermint essential oil is effective in aiding acne, asthma, coughs, congestion, headaches, hives, memories, migraines, motion sickness, even used to break up hot flashes and jet lag.

Try our other peppermint products: soap and scrub.

Enjoy the revitalizing benefits of our Warrior Butter.

Product Features –

Useful for – Dry Skin, Acne, Tense Muscles

Ingredients – Shea Butter, Coconut Oil, Cocoa Butter, Beeswax, Peppermint Essential Oil, and Lavender Essential Oil.

Usage Instructions – Apply a small amount to your hand to make the butter more malleable. Rub the butter in circular motions on your skin until you reach the desired moisture.

Caution: If you have sensitive skin, try some of the product on a small portion of your skin first to make sure it’s safe to use. For topical use only. Be careful when applying near your eyes or genital region to prevent excessive burning.


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